Entries by Moti Gamburd

Five Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease

There are many misconceptions out there about Alzheimer’s. Below are some of the most common, along with explanations about what the real deal is. There are cures that will stop the development of Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, at this time there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and no way to halt its progress. However, there are […]

How to Maintain a Positive Attitude

Through our communication with others and with ourselves, we create reality. Does that sound a little new age to you? Think about it. Everyone has a friend whose negative attitude makes them difficult to be around because you in turn start to feel more pessimistic. Or, on the other end of the scale, there are […]

How to Lower Medical Expenses

Health care bills are notoriously confusing. Of course, Medicare all by itself is a maze, but beyond that there’s also the out-of-pocket expenses that Medicare doesn’t cover. These can be a significant financial obligation: almost $200,000 for a married couple over the course of their retirement according to one estimate. Here are some steps you […]

How to Tell When a Loved One with Dementia Is Sick

Dementia can make it difficult to tell when a loved one has come down with a cold or another illness. They may not be able to tell you how they’re feeling in an intelligible way. By being observant and keeping an eye out for certain signs, you can spot when they may need a little […]

The Connection Between Dementia and Depression

Dementia and depression share many common symptoms: withdrawal from loved ones, decreased interest in activities that were once enjoyable, memory difficulties, and an increase in sleep. Researchers have begun to explore the connection between the two and to ask whether dementia causes depression, or if perhaps depression causes dementia? One study has found that those […]

Dealing with a Loved One Who Wants to Go Home

There are many seniors who make the transition to assisted living or memory care comfortably. But unfortunately, due to the nature of the disease, sometimes loved ones are faced with an uncomfortable request: “I want to go home.” Such a plea is heartbreaking, and when you hear it every time you visit it can leave […]

Advice for New Caregivers

Taking charge of mom or dad’s affairs and becoming the one responsible for their well-being may have happened suddenly with a crisis event, or it may have snuck up on you over time. However you ended up here, you likely feel like you need some advice. Here are some things to keep in mind as […]

The Challenges of Early Alzheimer’s

One hardship for those with Alzheimer’s is a lack of understanding about this disease from those in the general public. Though it may hurt sometimes, to some extent this is understandable. We can’t all be expected to be knowledgeable about every disease, even more common ones. Typically, we forgive those who are important to us […]