When a parent first moves into assisted living, it’s common for their children to feel overwhelmed with guilt. Questions like “Does my loved one feel abandoned?” or “Could I have made a different arrangement to keep them at home?” often weigh heavily. While these emotions are natural, it’s important to approach the situation thoughtfully and strike a balance between caregiving responsibilities and your own life.
As parents age, adult children often experience a profound shift in family dynamics. The roles once firmly established, with parents as caregivers and decision-makers, gradually change as seniors begin to rely on their children for support.
While these transitions are natural, they can also bring emotional, logistical, and relational challenges that require thoughtful navigation.
/by Moti GamburdCorporate Office / General Information
Raya’s Paradise, Inc.
1156 N Gardner St.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
Tel: (310) 289-8834
Fax: (323) 851-0375
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