While some people work and save for years so they can have a very comfortable lifestyle during their retirement years, others find keeping their retirement nest egg intact to be a challenge. A 2010 survey conducted by Wells Fargo Bank revealed that more than a quarter of the American population has concerns about their finances for retirement. Thus, we’ve put together a short list of common financial blunders to avoid when you’re working to protect your valuable assets.
Have a Clear Understanding of Medicare and Medicaid: While Medicare is a very valuable healthcare management program, many retirees do not have the best handle on what is – and is not – covered by Medicare. One of the most financially devastating challenges to your financial health in retirement years is the need to enter an assisted living facility. While Medicare does, in most instances, cover a short-term stay in a rehabilitation center, Medicare will not cover a long stay in assisted living since assisted living is not medical care.
Unlike Medicare, the federally funded Medicaid program will cover long term care, but Medicaid is a program designed for seniors who have exhausted all their assets (for a considerable period of time) and is generally considered an absolute last resort option. Many assisted living facilities do not accept Medicaid.
Make no mistake – just one serious health challenge faced in the absence of a long term care plan can wipe out years of financial planning. It can also leave you with little options should you face a second, or third, health challenge. If you do not have a long-term care plan, or if yours is not comprehensive enough, start planning for that rainy day now.
Beware of Con Men: Today’s seniors grew up in a world that was more trusting and more caring. However, that innocence, along with the availability of funds and assets, makes them a huge target for the unscrupulous (to the tune of $2.6 billion annually). A good rule of thumb: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Estate Planning 101: Most individuals recognize the importance of having a will in place to leave their assets to the beneficiaries they hold dear. However, wills are not a set-it-and-forget-it type of document, and depending on when the will was initially drafted, it may have to be amended more than once. Pay attention to major life changes you experience, such as divorce, the death of a beneficiary, a birth in your family, or adoption. Note: if your will’s executor passes away, run (don’t walk) to have a new one appointed.
The general rule of thumb is to review and update your estate plan portfolio at least once a year (with, of course, revisions done in between when there’s a major change). Doing so will help you notice when your documents have become outdated.
Enlist the Help of Professional Estate Planners: While most family members mean well, the fact is that retirement planning is a specialized field best handled by professionals. Unless you have a family member who is both trained and experienced in this field, not just dibble-dabbling and reading market trends, it is best to maintain a relationship with a trusted advisor. Having the input from family members is fine, but before acting on their opinions, be sure your financial planner agrees.
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As human beings, we are created for meaningful relationship with one another. Healthy communication is a vital part of remaining connected in any relationship – even when the person you’re communicating with has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. While cognitive decline puts a tremendous toll on your loved one’s ability to remember significant people, places, and things, it can also severely impact your ability to communicate with them.
There are, however, a few important tips to bear in mind as you are working to maintain healthy communication with your loved one. It is also vitally important that you remember no matter what stage your loved one is in, human connection is essential to his or her overall well-being. That said, the following are some suggestions to make this challenge a bit easier for the both of you.
/by Moti Gamburd- Create A Distraction-Free Zone: Background noises can distract anyone – even those with no cognitive challenges at all. But for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, the television, radio, or other device can easily compete with your conversation. Give your loved one’s conversation your full – and undivided – attention in a peaceful environment.
- One-On-One Conversation: While it may sound silly, having multiple individuals gathered together for conversation can create an overwhelming and highly confusing environment for your loved one. After all, the more individuals who are present, the more apt each party is to contribute to the conversation. It can prove to be extremely agitating to your loved one, whose brain may still be trying to process what has been said as well as who has offered the input. Keep the conversations simple – one person at a time.
- Simple, Lighthearted Conversation: There’s always something to be said for small talk, but especially so when your loved one is experiencing cognitive decline. Most of us are taught to converse with others using open-ended questions to spark conversation. However, for an Alzheimer’s patient, this leaves entirely too many choices. Remember, your loved one may not remember the significance of certain titles, such as “nurse.” Therefore, he or she may ask questions like, “What’s a nurse?” Combat these challenges by simply referring to your loved one by name, and referring to yourself (or another person) by name. It helps the Alzheimer’s patient to orient themselves. If you’re speaking to your loved one about an animal, address the animal either by name (if it’s a pet) or by species (for example, “cat”) instead of saying “it.” Again, it helps your loved one keep track within the conversation.
- Be Patient and Non-Combative: It is easy to understand how difficult it becomes for you, as the loved one of a person suffering from such a debilitating disease, to repeat yourself or explain the who-what-and-where’s of very familiar things. But engaging in arguments will most likely end in one result – agitation for yourself and your loved one. Stay calm and repeat yourself if necessary. If your loved one seems to be having difficulty in making a request, do your best to state the question you feel he or she is attempting to ask. For example, if your loved one is fumbling around for something on a table nearby, you may say, “Are you looking for a tissue? Are you looking for your glasses?”
- Watch Yourself! Everyone understands that non-verbal communication is as important as, if not more than, verbal cues. Cognitive decline, especially as it progresses, will undermine a person’s confidence as simple, routine tasks become increasingly more difficult. Thus, your loved one is likely to be highly sensitive to everything you say and do. The tone of your voice and your body language is important. Expressing your acceptance with friendly eye contact and kind facial expressions is important. After all, the goal is to maintain positive communication with your loved one and to minimize feelings of confusion or distress which may lead to negative, hostile reactions or to your loved one “shutting down” due to feelings of isolation.
Susceptibility to falls increases with age. Every senior and every person caring for a senior must have a keen awareness of this as the leading cause of injury for this age group. This one type of injury is responsible for a large number of seniors losing both mobility and independence. Post-menopausal women with osteoporosis must take extra care in fall prevention because of the danger of broken bones due to decreased bone density. Studies show if you have fallen, it is very likely for it to happen again in the next six months.
When considering fall prevention measures for seniors, take into account medication, exercise regimen, and environmental factors. When visiting the doctor, ask about health issues that may increase the likelihood of taking a spill. Is there an underlying physical problem with vision, or in the ear? Do any of the prescriptions the senior is taking inhibit balance? If so, can the doctor adjust the dose?
Is lack of exercise a contributing factor? All the current medical knowledge on the subject points to the fact that active seniors are a lot less likely to fall than those who don’t get any exercise. Doctors recommend gentle workouts such as water exercises in a pool, tai chi (because of its slow graceful movement), or just walking. But the particulars are not so important; what’s key is to stay active and keep moving.
Also look at trip hazards around the home or apartment. Some tips for making a residence a safer place for seniors include:
/by Moti Gamburd- Moving tables and furniture out of high traffic areas to keep travel areas free of obstructions.
- Securing throw rugs or taking them up if that’s not possible.
- Making sure walkways are properly lit (this will especially help those with vision impairments).
- Adding non-skid mats to bathrooms and bathtubs, along with hand rails.
- Buying a raised toilet seat with hand rails.
- Installing grip rails where they’re needed.
- Insuring that there is room for the use of mobility aids such as a walker.
As parents age, adult children often experience a profound shift in family dynamics. The roles once firmly established, with parents as caregivers and decision-makers, gradually change as seniors begin to rely on their children for support.
While these transitions are natural, they can also bring emotional, logistical, and relational challenges that require thoughtful navigation.
/by Moti GamburdHas dealing with your elderly parent become an encounter with Oscar the Grouch? If so, you are not alone. Many adult children find themselves struggling to navigate the challenges of caring for elderly parents who exhibit cranky, irritable, or even combative behavior. Understanding the root causes of this behavior is essential for managing it effectively and maintaining your own emotional well-being.
/by Moti Gamburd

As parents become older, there comes a point where you realize that you need to step in and help them with their finances. The red flag may be a bounced check or noticing that some bills are past due, or you could discover much more serious problems like the fact that mom or dad has been taken in by a telemarketing scammer. The steps below are your roadmap to getting your loved one back on track.
1. Know Your Parent’s Finances
The first thing every adult child needs to know is the condition of your parent’s finances. This means that you need to know what debts they have (credit cards, loans, mortgages, etc…), as well as what their living expenses are. Familiarize yourself with utilities, credit cards, and any bills they have and make sure you start paying them right away. You also need to know if there are any safe deposit boxes, and if you parents already have a financial advisor. It may be beneficial to take a look at your parent’s tax returns to get an idea of their financial situation.
2. Learn About Your Parent’s Income and Insurance Situation
Find out what sources of income your parent has. Find out of if your parent is receiving income from social security, what Medicare options they’ve chosen, and whether they receive Medicaid. Also find out if they have purchased long-term care insurance or other forms of insurance to make sure any premiums are kept up to date and policies are still in order.
3. Establish Who Has Legal Authority Over Your Parent’s Finances
When a parent becomes unable to care for their finances, it is especially important for adult children to know who has legal authority to manage the estate. Find out if your parents have already established legal guardianship with a relative, financial advisor, or with an executor. Pre-planning in this area can be especially important as it‘s more difficult to establish power of attorney if your parent develops dementia or Alzheimer’s. If you parents haven’t established a legal guardian before they become incapacitated, you’ll need to seek guardianship through the court system. A judge must agree that your parent is not legally competent to handle their own finances and that you are, which may take time.
4. Contact a Financial Advisor
A financial advisor or accountant can help you not only sort out your parent’s current finances, but also help you plan for the future. Depending on how you parent’s have invested, there may be other ways to maximize their assets to help finance their transition to assisted living. A financial advisor can help you navigate the options and ensure the best possible course for your parent’s financial future.
5. Get Everything in Writing
In order to safeguard both your parent’s and your own financial future, it’s best to make sure you have written documentation of everything related to their finances. Make sure you have legal authorization to act on their behalf. Any access to funds should be documented and any decisions with a financial advisor should be copied into a written document so there is a paper trail to help protect you and your parent legally. Having written records will also help if conflict or concern arises among siblings or other relatives.
Watching a parent age can be a difficult process emotionally for adult children, but it doesn’t have to be difficult financially. By following these steps, adult children can help ease the transition for their parents, ensuring a brighter and more secure financial future.
/by Moti Gamburd
Being the caregiver to an aging parent may be one of the toughest family roles imaginable. The task can be as demanding as watching a small child, with the added heartbreak of seeing mom or dad decline…plus the challenge of navigating the changing parent-child dynamic. But there is hope: stress can always be managed. Here are a few tips to use during those times when you feel like it’s all too much.
First, do not attempt to become a lone ranger. One of the greatest areas of stress comes from the feeling of taking on more than we can handle, and that is as true in the caregiving role as it is in other areas of our lives. Other relatives may be both willing and able to help. You may also be surprised to find that those outside the family, such as family friends or neighbors, may also be there to lend a hand. It is important to remember that aside from the task of caring for your aging loved one, there are necessary tasks related to caregiving, and having someone else shoulder those for a while may help you build in some much needed time for yourself.
Second, schedule in your “me” time. One of the greatest challenges family caregivers have is the overwhelming tendency to neglect their own needs in favor of their loved one. It is critical for caregivers to schedule some non-negotiable time to participate in activities that stimulate and interest them, because caregiving can (and often does) demand a significant amount of time and can deplete an individual both physically and emotionally. Schedule such activities as an exercise class, a movie, date night with a significant other, a massage, dinner with friends, taking classes on a subject of interest, etc… By doing so, the caregiver remains in touch with his or her own life.
Third, pay attention to your body. While most caregivers begin their roles in an overall state of good health, statistics show that they are more likely to develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, obesity, and weaker immune response as time goes on. Exercise is a particularly effective method of de-stressing the body, with the added bonus of boosting overall energy levels. Getting outside for fresh air can also be highly invigorating. All the great advice we give our loved ones — about eating balanced meals, drinking plenty of water and getting adequate rest — are just great rules of thumb for everyone to live by… including caregivers.
Fourth, building in a support system can be very beneficial. Providing care for an aging loved one brings forth a flood of emotions. After all, it is during this time that the caregiver witnesses the frailty and physical decline of the person whom they have always looked to for their own care. Seeking the services of a psychotherapist or joining a support group (through a church, synagogue, or local agency on aging), caregivers can often receive sound advice on how to cope during this emotionally taxing period. It is important also for the caregiver to not place unrealistic demands upon themselves but to simply do the very best they can.
Finally, cherish every moment. Glean the wisdom of these years and forgive any past disappointments you may be harboring against your loved one. Resolve any issues that may still linger, and commit to enjoying each precious moment available. Remember to be kind to others, understanding that each person operates the best they can with the knowledge they have. Be gentle even when expectations go unfulfilled. With a slight shift in perspective, you may find — as others have — much greater enjoyment of life’s simplest gifts as an unexpected bonus from caregiving.
/by Moti Gamburd
- Forgetting things that are part of a well-established routine, and were once done without fail.
- Repeating questions.
- Arriving somewhere without any idea how they got there.
- Losing their way on a familiar route they take every day.
- Forgetting to turn the stove off.
- Leaving doors open.
- Forgetting to eat meals.
- Unusually poor hygiene that the person is not aware of.
- Placing objects in unusual places.
- The inability to remember even basic words, or speaking in such a way that’s hard to follow.
- Sudden mood swings for no particular reason, or becoming uncharacteristically suspicious or trusting.
- Lack of awareness of strange behavior.
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